who is this idiotic Ryan David Ginsberg??Ryan Ginsberg is a 23 year old graduate from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He watches Netflix 20 hours a day and spends the other 4 hours on YouTube. He manages to throw sleep in there every now and then, but never finds the time to do anything actually productive. Ever. Like for real, it's lowkey highkey superkey embarrassing how little he has done with his life. Loser.
Ryan is currently pursuing his dreams of becoming a writer...or something dumb like that. And now he wants to start some dumb website? I don't get it. This dude seriously needs to just accept the fact that he is a nobody and stop trying to act like people give a damn about what he has to say. Ryan has taught himself basically everything he knows. From how to breath, how to drive a stick shift, and even how to be a complete and utter failure. He is a firm believer that hard works pays off. He believes that you must bleed and sweat every single day in order to be successful. You must sacrifice nights out on the town, sacrifice sleep, sacrifice meals, but at the same time you need to know when to take breaks. Life is about balance. Sometimes you need to take a step back and regather your thoughts. But when the thoughts are flowing, you need to sacrifice a night out with friends and keep working. Ryan's mentality is that talent can only take you so far, but with hard work, even the sky isn't a limit. With hard work the only limitation is you. You can achieve absolutely anything and everything if you work hard enough for it. Wanting something is simply not good enough, not even close. A dream without action is nothing more than a dream. A dream doesn't become a reality until you get off your butt and make it a reality, this is what Ryan tells himself everyday. He knows he is not the most talented writer, not even close, but he knows if he works harder than everybody out there, then he can beat everybody out there. Straight up. (I would like to point out that even though Ryan "knows" all of this, doesn't mean that he actually lives his life this way. So, before you start thinking Ryan is some super hard worker, allow me to reveal the truth. Ryan is a lazy piece of shit. - Love, the editor. PS the editor is also Ryan. Self depreciating joke, baby!) Ryan made this website/blog thingy as an opportunity to explore different types of writing. A writer is much like a body builder. You need to be well rounded. He wants to write blogs (from serious to fully humorous), poems, short stories, anything and everything that will make him the best writer he can possibly be. Even though the end goal for Ryan is to write a screenplay for the big screen. He has aspirations to one day inspire the world through his writing. We'll see if that ever happens. Probably not. |