I am utterly and hopelessly in love. It's sensations tingle on the tip of my every nerve. I feel it in the highest points of sternum, ready to erupt into the world. But the strange thing is there isn't anybody or anything in particular that I am in love with. Rather my love is aimless. It is scattered to every corner of the world.
It falls head over heels as the waves crash down onto the rocky sand. It flies high as the sun is covered so elegantly by a blanket of dark clouds. I feel it rumbling as the wind flows in one window and out the other. I feel the vibrations in the music. It's aimless, yet aimed at so much. My feet have been hovering off of the earth for the past few days and my heart feels so light that I fear it may float away. It is a feeling that never in my life have I felt, yet at the same time I can recognize its every pulse. With this love filling my veins, I can see the world's beauty that previously was hidden. It is as if the rain has finally cleared and the sun has shined the darkness away. I see poetry in every atom. I see its prose floating in and out and through everything that belongs to it. I see the depressants of Edgar Allan Poe and the hope of Langston Hughes. It is all around us. Love reveals the poetry our souls crave so crystal clear that even a blind man could feel it in his veins. I see God living all around. The thing about love is it reveals everything that God has ever tried to tell us. It's true that love is God and God is love. And without love there is no God, but luckily for us love and God are in everything. Poetry is in everything. And with love all of the devil and its demons are washed away and drowned into nothingness. If we keep love close to our hearts and close to our souls, nothing can ever defeat us. Because God is love and God cannot be defeated. Unfortunately love is a free spirit. It roams without constraints and if we don't watch it closely we can lose it. We see it far too often. Where a man in love lets his eyes wander too far and love tip toes away and by the time he turns back to love it is already gone and irretrievable. I have lived with love and I have lived without and I choose love every time. I will keep love so close that you won't be able to tell where I end and love begins. I will hold so tightly that the atoms of I and the atoms of love will have no choice but to merge into one. And I will live the rest of my life with poetry and love and God, forever.
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